Our farm-style learning gives your child the upper hand

It is important to us that your child grows with curiosity in nature.

What makes us special

Emphasis on nature and outdoor learning

Water walks, bug searching, and more

Hands-on constructivist lessons

Projects, crafts, STEAM, and more!

Students interact daily with farm animals

Bunnies, cows, chickens and more

Our chosen subjects are proven

We have hand selected the best courses for your child that you won’t find at streamlined preschools.

Water Cycle
Music and Rhythm
Cultural Heritage
Bugs and Lifecycles

Building your child's confidence is our priority

Learning takes place when a child is interested in something- and if my students can feel confident enough to recognize, express, and develop their interests- they will be life-long learners.

We are light on screen time

I believe in technology; I know it can be a great resource- but students will have plenty of time to learn to use that resource in the public education system or at home. They will not have plenty of time to be 3-5 years old on a farm with a world of possibilities right outside their classroom door. I want to take advantage of every hands-on opportunity the farm offers while my students are in such a critical learning state.

We use a holistic teaching method

I believe in developing mind, body, and spirit. This means that while we have academic goals, we also focus on spending time in nature, developing physically, and social/emotional growth.

Learning theories help to retain knowledge

I use behaviorism (teaching by example, with only one correct format for following instructions) for developing routines and procedures and constructivism (students independently construct their learning format, different formats encouraged, we all reach the same conclusion) for unit lessons.

Your child will learn social skills

I teach your child to use their words to express feelings, recognize emotions, enable healthy coping techniques, and establish sharing and playing boundaries.

open enrollment
fall 2023

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